by Admin
Posted on 30-03-2023 07:31 AM
The claims advisors at nxt level claims consultants are sympathetic to your annoyance and can assist you with any lightning damage claims that were incorrectly underpaid, denied, or delayed. As your policyholder advocate, we’ll
to get you a fair compensation so you may resume your rehabilitation. Power surges can also be caused by lightning strikes. Problems in the transmission lines, maintenance by the electrical company, or a blown fuse, can all cause power surges. Power surges can have devastating effects on electronics and wiring, regardless of their cause. Your policy may cover power surges that are caused by routine electrical maintenance.
Lightning damage – loss assessor helps with the insurance claim
lightning damage is comparatively rare in ireland, but it happens a couple of times each year. Lightning strike presents three main hazards to your property:
a building struck by lightning can catch fire, smoulder or explode. Power surge caused by lightning, can damage your electronic equipment and telephones incl. Tvs, modems, computers and other even non-electronic devices. The shock wave that lightning creates can easily fracture concrete, brick and stone. Brick and stone chimneys are commonly damaged by lightning. Lightning can even blow out plaster walls, shatter glass and crack foundations,.
We ensure that you do not have to spend hours dealing with your lightning damage insurance claim. You have enough to deal with at this stressful time. Throughout the whole claims process, we will be on hand, taking the stress and worry off your hands while keeping you updated at all times. You will not have to go through your insurance company's call centre or deal with their complex claim forms. Many people may be turned off submitting an insurance claim because it can be very time consuming and at times stressful, but putting your trust in us here at property damage loss assessors, we will handle all negotiations with your insurance company or their appointed representatives in your best interest.
The first thing you should do in the event of lightning strike damage, after making sure the property is safe, is to call a registered and experienced claims assessor such as claims assist ireland. Our nationwide team of “no win no fee” insurance assessors will report your claim immediately and we can put you in touch with a local registered electrician who will assess both the nature and extent of damage. The electrician will then need to provide a specialist electrical report which will form the basis of your insurance claim. After meeting your insurance company’s representative called the loss adjuster, claims assist will then gather and submit all the information, both from the electrician and any other specialist contractors along with compiling a comprehensive scope of works and costings plus documenting and photographing all damaged equipment.
Lightning strike: a bolt of lightning enters and passes through your home or other property on its way from the atmosphere to the ground. This type of lightning typically causes the most damage including fire and charring. "this is generally the easiest claim to collect, since the damage is clearly evident," says needelman. Near miss: lightning strikes near the home but does not hit the structure directly. In this case, the damage is usually less. It can be more difficult for the insurance company to determine the cause of damage in such cases. Artificially generated current, such as sparks from a power company's electrical lines or transformers, can create damage similar to a near miss but is typically excluded from homeowners policies.
A lightning strike can potentially create a fire in a home or commercial property. Notwithstanding, most lightning damage happens from an electrical surge that can ruin sensitive appliances, electronics computers, and wiring inside the walls, phone systems, and the building’s electrical system which can even shock and injure occupants. In case the lightning-related damage is massive, a business might not be able to function or the home could be left uninhabitable. Public insurance adjuster can evaluate the destruction – to the inner electrical system along with the structure itself – and assist you to settle their claim in a well-timed manner to make sure you get the settlement you ought to get.